Private Coaching

As a soon-to-be-parent, you want to think of everything, which is why we ask you these questions:

  • Do you need help to navigate your journey into parenthood and beyond?
  • Do you want to realize your fullest potential as a parent, on your terms?
  • Do you need help defining and living by what is best for you and your family?
  • Do you want to learn to trust your ‘gut wisdom’ and make decisions that will allow you to grow, flourish, and feel confident?
If the answer to any of the above is an enthusiastic “YES!”, then you‘ve come to the right place, and 730 is here to help.

Who is supporting you?

In the world we live in, we are often far away from the daily support of family and friends, and the friends we have nearby are not always in the same phase of life. And during the magical time of pregnancy and post-natal, a support network is a must-have.

Online resources and even some childbirth education often leave gaps in our knowledge and readiness. This can lead us down confusing, conflicting, or self-judgmental paths. Making sense of all the information and decision-making can be very stressful and lonely, leaving you with the feeling that there are things you won’t be prepared for.

Enter 730 Private Coaching.

Why Private Coaching?

In our time together, you will have full access to my knowledge, expertise, and skills which will help you develop strategies and a plan for your beautiful and unique transition into parenthood.

Together, we customize a plan and strategy that will exactly meet your whole family’s needs.

My role is to guide and support you to:

  • Set realistic expectations for birth and parenting
  • Make optimal, evidence-supported choices for you and your family throughout your preparation, birth, and early parenting
  • Identify, visualize, and set yourself up to achieve your desired outcomes
  • Prepare and support you when things don’t go to plan or when surprises arise (A tip: this will totally happen!)

Registry, Supplies, and Gear Decision Support

What do I need?! This is one of the most common questions I get from prospective parents, second only to “What do I REALLY need?”

So often I hear experienced parents express regret about the amount of money spent on ‘baby stuff’ that they didn’t need or use, resources better allocated towards practical things or support services.

Together we will explore your needs and preferences and match you with the necessary gear that will best suit your family goals, budget, and lifestyle. (Spoiler Alert: Babies don’t actually need that much stuff!)

Birth Preferences and Plan

Somewhere in the midst of this gear frenzy, an actual baby is coming! And apparently this has been happening for (an estimated) bazillion years! And there is good news: we are lucky because now we have modern and also not-so-modern medicine options for crafting our preferences in an effort to get these little beings out of our bodies. It’s common practice these days to have some sort of idea of what your ideal birth would look like. I can help guide this conversation in a way that is non-judgmental, realistic and focused on what will support YOUR best possible outcomes. I will help you develop a solid, evidence-informed plan that you can give your birth support team to help them honor your birth vision (plus, compassionate guidance for allowing alternative outcomes and dealing with curveballs).

Family Readiness

When a family adds a new member, things change. The key to successfully transitioning into parenthood is preparing for shifts within your partnership after baby arrives, and embracing this reality. Vast differences in modern family structures often require a conversation that acknowledges the unique circumstances, values, and goals of each individual family. Together, we can sit down and discuss parenting approaches and styles, family roles and duties, cultivating realistic expectations, identifying challenges, and developing tools and strategies to set your family up for success as you make this exciting shift.

Postpartum Strategy

Preparing for baby goes beyond planning for the birth. Immediately after birth, you’ll have two things to manage: a baby, and a mother who just had a baby. Both these people need special attention during this precious and delicate time.

So, it is important to know what to expect and have a plan that allows everyone to thrive. Things we can discuss during this planning time are:

  • First days baby decisions
  • Best-practice sleep arrangements
  • Feeding plan and support
  • General expectations
  • Postpartum care for the mother
  • Gear and supplies for postpartum care
  • Nutrition, and birth recovery planning
  • Your strategy for minimizing risk and/or managing postpartum mental health.

We can also begin to discuss “village management” – making sure you have a basic plan and systems in place to utilize available resources, and offers of help that support the goals and desired outcomes for your family.

This sets everyone up for success!

Want to see a more detailed list of topics we can cover?


6 Pack x 90 min sessions


9 Pack x 90 min sessions


12 Pack x 90 min sessions

Available add-ons:

Extra Sessions


Breastfeeding Class


Birth Doula


Postpartum Doula


Childbirth Education


Support Subscription

Ready to start your 730 journey?